Marine for Health Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Seminar
Marine for Health arranged a Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Seminar from 10.-11. Dec 2019.

Novel food, health claims, functional food regulations and marine research were some of the topics on the first day of our seminar. The second day of the seminar focused on pharmaceutical regulatory affairs. The seminar was supported by the funding from The Norwegian Research Council.
See the presentations from the seminar enclosed below:
Maie Gall, VISKUMED, Disrupting a health paradigm; Setting a new way of thinking.pdf
Firoz Roshan, PPD, Role of Reg Affairs in Clin Drug Dev.pdf
Asim Duttaroy, University of Oslo,Functional food regulations in Europe A case study.pdf
Anders Sjodin, University of Copenhagen, Evaluations of health claims 2019.pdf
Åse Mjelva, LinkMedical, Development of your pharmaceutical – Do it right first time.pdf