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Blue Bio Bootcamp

Blue Bio Bootcamp #2 will be a hybrid and onsite event hosted on 29th of May by 4 regional partners in the Blue Bio Clusters project – Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Scotland

Place: Digitalt

This intensive and inspiring transnational one-day event is designed to equip aspiring entrepreneurs like you with new skills, knowledge, and resources needed to grow your blue business. The focus for the day will be about building upon your Blue Bioeconomy Business Toolkit. The regional partners hosting this bootcamp will provide insights from blue experts and concrete tools to address some of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by marine-based industries in these regions. 

During this bootcamp, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn from seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts through interactive online and in-person workshops and mentorship sessions.
  • Refine your business ideas and strategies with feedback from experienced business development experts and coaches.
  • Network with like-minded individuals and potential collaborators.
  • Gain insights into fundraising, marketing, product development, and other critical aspects of growing a business.

The bootcamp promises to be an immersive and transformative experience across 4 regions that will accelerate your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you are just launching or have an already established company with product/service that can solve a blue challenge, this program will provide invaluable guidance and support take your venture to the next level!.

Read more about the bootcamps here

Are you considering participating and would like more information? Please contact Wenche Uksnøy at +47 900 15 073 or wenche@legasea.no