Nordic Lipidforum Symposium 2022
A professional Nordic arena for lipid science and knowledge exchange in the five Nordic countries;
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
NCE Blue Legasea is proud sponsor and partner!
We are happy to invite you all to the 31st Nordic Lipidforum Symposium in Ålesund!
Lipids in Health - contribution of lipids in nutrition and pharmaceuticals:
safe and sustainable processing
The symposium will cover a variety of topics relevant for new science of lipids including:
• health and nutritional aspects of lipids
• pharmaceutical aspects of lipids
• lipids in personalised nutrition
• lipids in skin care
• lipids in aquaculture and pet nutrition
• novel lipids and fatty acids
• lipid oxidation and antioxidants
• new processing and technology
• advanced lipid analysis and food safety
We emphasise that the program is open for both marine, plant and animal lipids in all sessions.
The symposium is an important meeting place for scientists, engineers, sales and marketing
personnel and all others working within academia, health care and industry. The event is a unique
possibility to exchange science and technology issues related to lipids, fats, and oils.
We are also happy to announce that the 6th Nordic Lipidforum Academy will be arranged prior to
the symposium.