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The ABCs of Omega-3s

Webinar Join Elana Natker, MS, RD, on June 6, 2023 at 04:00 PM in Oslo for a webinar that presents the latest research on EPA and DHA; reviews the science of omega-3s, including which are considered essential and why; and discusses why it’s important to stress sources of EPA and DHA omega-3s. Elana will also cover how vegetarians and vegans can still get EPA and DHA without relying on ALA-based sources. Attendees will learn how to identify good sources of EPA+DHA, communicate the health benefits of these important fatty acids, and how much consumers need to support overall health.

Organizer: GOED
Place: Online/Zoom - registration needed


ALA, EPA, DHA – all omega-3s are the same, right? Wrong! The fact is, most people are getting plenty of ALA omega-3s, the kind found in nuts, seeds and oils, but few are reaching the recommended goals for EPA and DHA, the kind found in fish and other marine sources. Yet, when consumers are told to get more omega-3s, the messages are to eat fish, flax, walnuts, chia seeds, etc. While factually true that all of these foods contain omega-3s, such messages are a disservice to consumers, given that the science overwhelmingly is in favor of EPA and DHA to support a healthy heart, prenatal development, brain health and eye health.

This FREE webinar will be the first in GOED’s Omega-3 Course, an educational series designed to focus on omega-3 content in the categories of science, supply chain and more.

Read more on GOEDs webpage