WebiMar; Connecting the data - Traceability within the value chain
Webinar We continue our WebiMar-series about certifications and will in this webinar focus on traceability in the value chain. In today`s market good traceability is essential and contributes to transparency for customers and consumers.

Marin Trust, Orivo and Biomar will join us in this webinar to talk about traceability in the value chain. In this webinar we will dig deeper into how data can be used for better transparency and traceability in the value chain. Consumers and customers are more and more interested in knowing where the products are coming from and that the information given about them are correct. With complex marine value chains it is important to make it easy for customers to track goods to create more trust in the market that the products come from sustainable fisheries.
Marin Trust is a certification programme dedicated to comapnies producing and selling marine ingredients. In this webinar we will learn more about how Marin Trust is working to contribute to transparent traceability in the value chain from raw materials to market.
Orivo is a company that embraces evidence- based transparency. Through origin verification and testing of marine ingredients they are offering technology to the market that helps consumers, brands and partners to increase their trust in the market. They will share their competence in the field and increase your knowledge about why it`s important to work with evidence-based transparency in the value chain.
Biomar is a company that is world leader within high quality feedproducts and helps their customers to deliver healthy and well tasting seafood. Sustainability is in the core of their operations, and through responsible sourcing of sustainable raw materials they are increasing the transparency in their value chain.
This webinar is aimed towards companies that want to learn more about data driven traceability in the value chain and will be interesting for leaders or employees that is involved in sales, sourcing, traceability and quality assurance.
In our studio we will be joined by Svein Erik Haugmo from Orivo. Francisco Aldon from Marine Trust and Erik Olav Gracey from Biomar will join us through Zoom to make this webinar interesting for all who want to learn more about traceability in the value chain. They have long experience in working with transparency and will share their thoughts on how traceability might look in the future.

Sign up for the webinar below.