Workshop Act B2B, Think B2C, the Video is out!
The 25th of March NCE Blue Legasea in partnership with BioMarine Organization hold a unique event, including a presentation session on strategies to grow B2B business by developing a B2C digital scheme and a digital 1to1 session!
The marine industry is facing, more than before, the miss of interactions with customers and partners. Digital tools are becoming increasingly prevalent in BtoB businesses and could be a great opportunity in order to improve network growth and to reach a bigger audience. But a better understanding of business digitalization is needed to succeed and to stand out in an international and highly competitive market.
Here find the recorded videos for each session:
Session 1:How to drive a B2B strategy capitalizing on a B2C thinking and new communication channels?
Sigve EVP Sales at Aker BioMarine AS, Norway
Renato Costa, Global Sales Marketing Manager, Animal Nutrition, Lonza, Portugal
Session2: The digital tools that drive a positive Customer Experience.
Ragnhild Dragøy Whitaker, Research Director, Nofima, Norway
Diane Hollett, Founder, New Foundland Seaweed Company, Canada
Session 3:How could block chain improve traceability and transparency for customer?
Francisco Aldon, CEO Maintrust, UK,
Svein Erik Haugmo, Co-Founder & CEO ORIVO AS, Norway
Harald Hernæs, Sales and Distribution Manager Europe, Lerøy, Norway